Palladium Market Price

Photo of Palladium Market Price

CURRENT PRICE $1,110.00/oz

30 DAY AVG. PRICE $1,032.25/oz


Palladium is most commonly found inside of catalytic converters and can only be refined to get the actual amount taken out and paid for.

Historical Prices for Palladium Market Price

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Palladium is one of the three main precious metals that is recovered from catalytic converters when they are being recycled. Our team keeps the precious metals updated on our website to help you understand how the market prices are changing regularly.

While we quote each catalytic converter individually, they all lead back to the market prices for Platinum, Palladium, and Rhodium. Our team is regularly looking for ways to keep you updated on what the markets are doing and what to expect when scrapping your catalytic converter.

Another metal that is found naturally- but is rarely found in pure form. Palladium is most commonly found inside of catalytic converters and can only be refined to get the actual amount taken out and paid for. Palladium is used in catalytic converters due to the high heat that it can absorb and also it makes it so that it can negate gas fumes.

Updated Chart for Current Palladium Market Prices

You can see the price market chart (above) for the recent weeks of prices for the Palladium Prices that our RRCats Division keeps track of. When you are looking to scrap your catalytic converters with us, be sure to request a current price for your catalytic converter.

Our Quotes Are Good for 7-Days

When we are quoting your catalytic converters, we are providing the price we will pay if you sell us your catalytic converter in the near future. When we provide your price quote for your cat, we will only honor that price for 7-days because precious metal prices like Palladium are regularly changing so this is how we continue to have fair prices when scrapping your cat.

**Rockaway Recycling does NOT purchase Palladium scrap, but instead are using this page as an informational resource for our customers or visitors that are looking for more resources when they are looking to recycle their catalytic converters.**