Cast Aluminum

Photo of Cast Aluminum


30 DAY AVG. PRICE $0.44/lb


Clean casted aluminum without steel/rubber/attachments

Historical Prices for Cast Aluminum

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Bring your Cast Aluminum and other scrap to Rockaway Recycling in Rockaway, New Jersey. We can help you separate and determine the types of metals you may have so we can help you make more money on your scrap. Cast Aluminum usually can be found from engine blocks and other car parts. While it may look heavy, it usually is not and could have some oil and residue on it from an engine.

Where To Scrap Cast Aluminum in New Jersey

If you aren’t sure if you have Cast Aluminum or not you can send us a picture through our website or email it to us and we can help you identify the material. If you want to see our current prices for metals like Cast Aluminum you can see them on our site, which are updated daily. You will be also able to view our hours and directions from our website as well. Feel free to ask us any questions about your scrap metal and be sure to check out our helpful videos. Ask us about our scrap metal pick up services for your cast aluminum. Rockaway Recycling can provide scrap metal pickups for aluminum and other metals.

Scrap Metal Pickups

Historical Scrap Prices for Cast Aluminum

Not only do our customers want to learn about scrap metals, they want to learn about how the prices change and when is a good time to sell their scrap. That’s where our new price page comes into play. We have made it so that our prices are not only updated on that price page but the cast aluminum prices are updated on this page as well. We have the not only todays cast price, but also a 30 day average price chart that will help you see where the market is trending.

Rockaway Recycling Current Scrap Prices

(Last Modified: September 11th, 2024, 9:21 am)
Metal/MaterialCurrent Price
Brass (Plumbing, Pipe) $2.10/lb
Insulated Cable $2.30/lb
Cast Iron $170/GT
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