#3 Roofing Copper

Photo of #3 Roofing Copper


30 DAY AVG. PRICE $3.20/lb


For decorative purposes. Also used in Solar Panels.

Historical Prices for #3 Roofing Copper

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Bring your scrap #3 Roofing Copper to Rockaway Recycling and we will make sure you get the Fair Weight, Fair Price attitude when visiting our facility. You can see the current price for #3 Roofing Copper on our website, along with our list of acceptable materials. We make sure to update the price on our website every day and as soon as they change at the scale. If you have #3 Roofing Copper you are looking to scrap with us, be sure to separate it from your other metals and copper. Contractors and roofers will usually come across #3 Roofing Copper from a construction job. It will have tar or paint on it so be sure to separate it from you clean copper to make the most money. Roofing copper will also be found in solar panels and other decorative materials.

Place To Scrap Roofing Copper In New Jersey

If you have never been to our facility before, you can find our directions on our website along with our operating hours. If you have a large commercial job of scrap metal in the Tri-State area, be sure to contact us for information about scrap metal pick ups and container services. You can also fill out the contact form directly on our website and we will get back to you. Rockaway Recycling has been a family-owned and operated facility since 1977 located in Rockaway, NJ. We are minutes from Rt. 80 and off Rt. 46. If you have enough scrap for pick up services for industrial and commercial materials, be sure to contact us about our services.

Scrap Metal Pickups

Learn More About Scrap Roofing Copper

Roofing copper, also known as light copper, is one of the most common metals that you will see displayed on roofs, walls, doors, and exteriors of buildings. You can find #3 roofing copper on older buildings being used in a decorative fashion. Roofing copper is also used inside of buildings over windows, awnings, and any other place that it could be used as some type of a decoration.

Another place that you can find roofing copper or light copper, is in the kitchen. Old copper pots and pans along with copper hoods over ovens are considered the same category as roofing copper. Old copper utensils, plates, bowls, and cups will also be light copper pricing. If you have clean cut-offs from roofing copper from any installations, we highly suggest you separate them from other pieces that may have containments as you will get a better price for them.

Our Historical Prices for Scrap Roofing Copper

We have been asked for years by our local roofers and siding  guys to have the roofing copper prices always updates so they know what it’s worth when bidding a job. Question asked and now it has been answered with the roofing copper prices always online and updated. Not only did we add the current prices, but we made a chart that has the last 30 days of roofing copper prices so we can have all of our customers get more information all of the time. Our historical price charts will only expand and have more information as time goes forward,  from average 30 day prices to monthly averages.

See Current Scrap Prices in New Jersey

(Last Modified: February 7th, 2025, 10:00 am)
Metal/MaterialCurrent Price
Insulated Cable $2.55/lb
Copper Transformers $0.23-$0.38/lb
Small Electric Motors $0.22-$0.30/lb
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