#2 Copper Bus Bar

Photo of #2 Copper Bus Bar



Historical Prices for #2 Copper Bus Bar

Bringing your #2 Copper Bus Bar and other metals like, wire, electronics, stainless steel, and aluminum into Rockaway Recycling. Family owned and operated since 1977, we are here to ensure that you always get Fair Weight, Fair Price when visiting our facility. We are conveniently located a few minutes off of Rt. 80 and directly off of Rt. 46 in Rockaway.

If you want to see the price for you #2 Copper Bus Bar and other materials before coming in, you can always check our website for the current prices, including special pricing for electricians and loyal customers. Be sure when bringing in you #2 Copper Bus Bar and other materials you separate them the best you can so you can make the most money off of them. If you aren’t sure how to tell the different materials from each other, you can always ask one of our scale managers to help you out.